Youth in science: how to attract and retain

  • Petruk G.V.

    Petruk G.V. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


Attracting and retaining young scientific and pedagogical personnel in the academic and university environment is one of the most important socio-economic tasks in the implementation of state policy. The rejuvenation of the staff of universities and the science sector is currently quite acute, especially in regions of Russia remote from the center. Insufficiency of financial support for science and higher education of regional institutions further exacerbates the
problem of the outflow of young people from the scientific field of activity. The article presents the results of a scientific and practical study of ways to improve the work of the university to attract and retain young people among the scientific and teaching staff. The novelty of the conclu sions and proposed practical recommendations lies in the implementation of a number of measures to create conditions for attracting and retaining young people in regional universities and academic institutions, turning young professionals into a real strategic resource of the university, increasing its competitiveness.
Keywords: scientific personnel, training system, higher education, globalization, young specialists.